Julius Everett Marsh founded our company in 1906. To this day, it’s been owned by members of the Marsh family.

From Company leadership to the shop floor, we’re fully invested in the career paths and success of each Marsh employee. We offer a broad experience that lets our employees showcase their skills and reach their potential. We want everyone who represents Marsh to feel fulfilled and proud of the products we craft. That pride leads to happier days at work, not to mention better cabinetry.

We’re proud to employ a local workforce that brings more than 25 nationalities and 36 languages to the floor every day. The diversity in our Marsh family creates an atmosphere of inclusion and means that we have a rich set of skills to apply to our product.
We hold a deep commitment to High Point, too. Outside our walls, it’s important for us to act as a community steward. We’re always mindful of our responsibilities as a neighbor and in the local economy.
We invite you to become the newest member of our family.